How do I even begin, I'm like 20 years late to the bloggin' game and three quarters of the way through a cross season that is saturated with online weekend recaps. This site was created by accident in order to post a race report for the
Pro Bikes website, but hey accidents are blog sites too so I'm just gonna run with it. As far as I can tell I am a pretty lucky dude. I have a VERY understanding loving wife, two turbo radical kids, a job that I like to get up in the morning for
(Pro Bikes), and the best riding and racing crew of friends a guy could ask for. So where do we go from here, what is the purpose of this site going to be? At this point I'm really not sure but I know what this site will not be. I have know intention of telling you about how fast or slow I am, how insane my wattage is or how much more "epic" I am compared to others. I just hope to make my time on the interwebs a little more productive and catch a glimpse of what has been going on this fall in the burgh. So that's that, maybe I'll be updating soon or maybe not, now that this site exist perhaps I'll be motivated to share some experiences, photos,music, or whatever is getting me stoked to get out the door and live.